User Account Control is a security feature introduced on Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems to lessen the risk of software or programs from automatically executing or installing without Administrator privilege. For some, UAC can be annoying due to the continuous notification that you get. The question is, how can you turn off the notification pop-up so that they appear less regularly?
Method 1: Disable or Turn Off UAC (User Account Control) in Control Panel
1. To access UAC, choose from any of the methods below:
b. Click Start button > Control Panel > System and Security > Action Center.
c. Click or right click on Flag icon in notification area (system tray), and then
d. Type “msconfig” in Start Search to start System Configuration, then go to
Tools tab, select Change UAC Settings, then click on Launch button.
2. Click on User Account Control settings link.
3. Move the slider bar to the lowest showing Never notify me.
4. Click Ok to make the change effective.
5. Restart the computer to turn off UAC.
Method 2: Disable UAC with Registry Editor (RegEdit)
1. Click Start button> All Programs > Accessories > Run
2. Type regedit > Press Enter key.
3. Navigate to the following registry key:
4. Locate the following REG_DWORD value: EnableLUA
5. Set the value of EnableLUA to 0.
6. Optional: To suppress UAC consent prompt dialog, locate the following REG_DWORD value:
7. Set the value of ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin to 0 (optional).
8. Exit from Registry Editor and restart the computer to turn off UAC.
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