Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How to Defragment your Disk Drives in Windows XP

Defragmentation is a process that reduces the amount of fragmentation in file systems. It does this by physically organizing the contents of the mass storage device to store files in a contiguous region if possible, or in the smallest possible number of regions (fragments) if not. It also attempts to create larger regions of free space using compaction to impede the return of fragmentation. Some defragmenters also try to keep smaller files within a single directory together, as they are often accessed in sequence.

Method 1: Use the Properties of Your Local Disk
  1. Open My Computer.
  2. Right-click the local disk volume that you want to defragment, and then click Properties.
  3. On the Tools tab, click Defragment Now.
  4. Click Defragment.
Method 2: Use Computer Management MMC
  1. Start Computer Management MMC (Compmgmt.msc).
  2. Click Disk Defragmenter.
  3. Click the volume that you want to defragment, and then click Defragment.
Method 3: Use Disk Defragmenter MMC.
  1. Start Disk Defragmenter MMC (Dfrg.msc).
  2. Click the volume that you want to defragment, and then click Defragment.



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